Wide Range of Delicious Rooibos Tea - TeaLovers

 Rooibos Tea also known as ‘redbush’ is a herbal tea variety native to South Africa. It is one of the most commonly consumed beverages, with millions of South Africans enjoying rooibos tea everyday. Rooibos tea has many wonderful and unique health benefits - As well as being naturally caffeine free, it is packed full of powerful antioxidants such as aspalathin and quercetin, associating it with cancer fighting benefits, as well as heart health and bone health benefits. Rooibos is also said to be high in vitamins and minerals such as calcium, manganese, magnesium and iron – giving it great relaxation properties and its reputation as the herbal ‘relaxation tea’.

Tea lovers Australia sells a wide range of delicious Rooibos Tea. Tea Lovers sells high grade Organic Rooibos Tea (unflavoured) as well as many delicious flavoured Rooibos Tea varieties. 

Rooibos tea is made by fermenting leaves from the shrub ‘Aspalathus linearis’ – During the fermentation process the leaves turn a red-brown colour. You can also source green rooibos tea, a non fermented variety, which has a grassier flavour and tends to be a more expensive product. Unflavoured rooibos tea has a unique woody earthy sweetness and is well enjoyed as a black tea alternative - commonly served with milk and sugar. Fruity rooibos tea varieties, such as Tea Lovers popular Rooibos Blueberry Cheesecake (flavoured with vanilla and tropical fruits), makes for a great herbal ice tea recipe.

Similarly to most herbal teas, rooibos tea should be brewed at 95°C (just off the boil) for 1-3 mins depending on desired strength.  1 heaped tsp of loose rooibos tea per 250ml cup is a general guide. Rooibos tea can be served with or without milk, sweetened with honey or sugar, and dressed with lemon – to suit your desired taste.

To shop Australia’s widest range of natural Rooibos Teas you must visit Tea Lovers Online Speciality Tea Shop at www.tealovers.com.au.


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